Ultra Pure synthetic urine review | Why did I fail

This is my honest Ultra Pure synthetic urine review, I hope everybody will see it and they won't be in the same situation as I was. I failed my test with Ultra pure last week, it was advertised as the best synthetic urine on the market. To be honest I havent checked too many synthetic urine reviews, and the ones what I checked was probably paid, there are a lot of fake product reviews online and synthetic urine is no different. Fake Synthetic urine reviews: You can see these fake/paid reviews everywhere even on the biggest forums, I have no idea why forum moderators let them do this.If I were them, I would delete every promotional misleading thread from these marijuana forums. There are some paid bloggers who get some commission after every bottle sold, thats why thy praise these low quality synthetic urine brands. Ultra Pure synthetic urine lacks: Urea and uric acid, these are the mos important components of synthetic urine, unfortunately I didn't know this earlie...